On February 24, Russia issued an unprompted and widespread invasion into Ukraine. This conflict was unprompted and unfounded, and as a result hundreds of Ukrainian citizens are dead and thousands have been injured. Many Russian citizens oppose the Russian invasion and now must suffer economic consequences due to their government’s actions.
We have Ukrainian heritage through Mama Crafting Co, and although we no longer have family living in our mother country, this issue hits close to home - our grandparents fled the country in response to WWII under similar circumstances.
We are selling handmade bracelets featuring the colours of Ukraine to fundraise for two charities that benefit Ukrainian residents:
1) The Canadian Red Cross, which is providing humanitarian aid to those impacted by the crisis
2) The Voices of Children Foundation, a Ukrainian-based charity that provides psychological and psychosocial support to children traumatized by war
All profits will be donated. Thank you for your support.